Legal Notice and General Conditions for the Use of the website
These General Conditions govern the use (including mere access) and operation of the website. In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the website is owned by Archéosciences Bordeaux (hereinafter, Archéosciences Bordeaux), with its notification address at:
Maison de l'Archéologie, Université Bordeaux Montaigne 33607 Pessac cedex France
and email:
Using this website confers upon the visitor the status of User, which implies acceptance of these General Conditions in the version published at the time of access. Therefore, Archéosciences Bordeaux recommends that Users carefully read these conditions each time they access the website. It is the responsibility of every visitor and/or User to review these General Conditions in effect at every access; if they do not agree with any of the conditions set forth herein, they must refrain from using the website. Archéosciences Bordeaux may change the design, presentation, and/or configuration of the website at any time without prior notice, as well as modify some or all of the Contents and the general and/or specific conditions required for its use.
The User acknowledges and expressly agrees that the use of the website is carried out under their sole and exclusive responsibility. When using the website, the User agrees not to engage in any behavior that could damage the image, interests, or rights of Archéosciences Bordeaux or third parties, or that could damage, disable, or overload the website, or otherwise impede its normal operation. The Contents of the website are provided from both proprietary sources and third parties. The inclusion of Contents on the website does not in any way constitute the provision of a service. The User acknowledges that, since the application of the Law to specific cases is not automatic and may vary according to diverse circumstances, Archéosciences Bordeaux advises against making decisions solely based on the information contained in the Contents without obtaining appropriate professional advice. Archéosciences Bordeaux shall not be responsible for the use that third parties make of the information published on the portal, nor for any direct or indirect damages or economic losses that may result from such use.
The User acknowledges and agrees that all industrial and intellectual property rights over the contents and/or any other elements included on this website (including, without limitation, trademarks, logos, trade names, texts, images, graphics, designs, sounds, databases, software, flowcharts, presentation, "look-and-feel", audio, and video) are the exclusive property of Archéosciences Bordeaux and/or third parties, who hold the exclusive right to use them in commercial activities. Under no circumstances does access to the website imply any waiver, transfer, license, or assignment, in whole or in part, of such rights unless expressly provided otherwise. These General Conditions of Use do not grant Users any other rights to use, alter, exploit, reproduce, distribute, or publicly communicate the website and/or its Contents beyond what is expressly provided herein. Any other use or exploitation of these rights will be subject to the prior express written consent granted by Archéosciences Bordeaux or the third party holding the affected rights.
Any claims by Users or third parties regarding potential infringements of intellectual or industrial property rights over any of the website’s Contents should be directed to the email address:, including the following information:
- Full name, postal address, and email address of the affected party or, where applicable, the person authorized to act on their behalf, indicating the capacity in which they are acting (hereinafter, the claimant).
- A declaration by the claimant affirming that they are the holder of the allegedly infringed rights, including their signature (physical or digital).
- A precise description of the contents protected by the allegedly infringed intellectual property rights, as well as their exact location on the website.
- An express declaration by the claimant that the use of the contents was made without the consent of the holder of the allegedly infringed rights.
4.1 Domain Names
Similarly, the domain name and all names used to directly access this website are the exclusive property of Archéosciences Bordeaux. The improper use of these domain names in commercial activities would constitute an infringement of the rights conferred by their registration and will be prosecuted in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.
4.2 Copyright
The contents, texts, photographs, designs, logos, images, sounds, videos, animations, recordings, computer programs, source codes, and, in general, any intellectual creation on this website, as well as the website as a whole, as a multimedia artistic work, are protected under copyright law.
4.3 Personal Use
Archéosciences Bordeaux authorizes Users to use, view, obtain a temporary copy, download, and store the contents and/or elements included on the website exclusively for personal, private, and non-commercial use, provided that the origin and/or author is indicated at all times and, where applicable, the copyright symbol and/or industrial property notices of the rights holders are displayed.
It is strictly forbidden to use these elements, reproduce, communicate, and/or distribute them for commercial or profit-making purposes, as well as to modify, alter, or decompile them. For any use beyond those expressly permitted, prior written consent must be obtained from the holder of the relevant rights.
4.4 Reservation of Actions
The User agrees to respect the aforementioned rights and to avoid any actions that could harm them, reserving Archéosciences Bordeaux the right to exercise any legal means available to defend its legitimate intellectual and industrial property rights.
5.1 Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability for the Operation of the Portal
Archéosciences Bordeaux does not guarantee the availability or continuous operation of the website. Furthermore, Archéosciences Bordeaux shall not be liable for any damages or losses that may arise from:
- The unavailability or inaccessibility of the website.
- Interruption of the website’s operation or computer failures, telephone breakdowns, disconnections, delays, or blockages caused by deficiencies or overloads in telephone lines, the Internet system, or other electronic systems during operation.
- The unsuitability of the website for the specific needs of Users.
- Other damages that may be caused by third parties through unauthorized intrusions beyond the control of Archéosciences Bordeaux.
Although Archéosciences Bordeaux adopts various protective measures to safeguard the website and its contents against cyber attacks, it does not guarantee that unauthorized third parties cannot, in some way, access the website or affect the conditions, characteristics, or circumstances of its use. Consequently, Archéosciences Bordeaux shall not be liable for any damages or losses that may result from such unauthorized access.
5.2 Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability for the Use of the Portal, Services, and Contents by Users
Archéosciences Bordeaux shall not be responsible in any case for the use that Users and/or third parties may make of the website or its contents, nor for any damages or losses that may result therefrom.Any liability for damages of any kind arising from the use of the services and contents by Users or from the lack of truthfulness, relevance, exhaustiveness, and/or authenticity of the information provided by Users about themselves—including, but not limited to, damages that may result from the impersonation of a third party in any communication made through the portal—is hereby disclaimed.
5.3 Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability for the Contents
Archéosciences Bordeaux shall not be liable for any damages or losses that may arise from:- The lack of legality, reliability, usefulness, truthfulness, accuracy, exhaustiveness, or timeliness of the contents.
- The unsuitability of the contents for any purpose or the failure to meet the expectations generated by them.
Simply visiting the website does not automatically record any personal data that identifies a User. However, non-personal and non-identifiable information (for example, browser type or operating system) may be collected and stored on Archéosciences Bordeaux’s Internet servers in order to improve navigation and management of the website.Archéosciences Bordeaux may request certain personal data from the User for accessing certain contents or services, in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and applicable data protection laws.
The duration of this website is, in principle, indefinite; however, Archéosciences Bordeaux reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the provision of its services at any time without prior notice, as well as these General Conditions.8. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION
These General Conditions of Use are governed by French law. Any disputes related to the website shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent French courts.The simplest and most effective way to request any clarification or to submit any complaint, suggestion, or comment is by sending an email to:
Archéosciences Bordeaux. All rights reserved and registered. Total or partial reproduction is prohibited.